=============================================================== RUNOUT =============================================================== Thank you for downloading RUNOUT version. This readme file contains important information about this game. RunOut is a remake of the classic coin-op game "OutRun". This is my entry for the Retro Remakes compo which occured during summer 2003. 1) System Requirements ---------------------- This software needs the following configuration to be run: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2K, XP A 466 Mhz processor (800 Mhz or better recommended) 128 MB RAM 8MB Hard Disk Space Optional: OpenGL compatible graphic card 2) Controls ----------- The "autoradio" folder of the game stores all the music files available in the game "radio" channels. You can add or remove your own music files, they will be automaticaly recognized at the game startup (formats supported: WAV,MP3,OGG,MOD,XM,S3M,IT) Here are the controls of the game: F1 : Set music/sound volumes F2 : Previous autoradio channel F3 : Next autoradio channel P : Pause ALT + ENTER : Fullscreen switch UP : Accelerate DOWN : Decelerate LEFT : Turn left RIGHT : Turn Right 3) Technical support -------------------- IMPORTANT REMARK: if the game crashes at start or if you get a blue screen when you exit the game, try to change the audio driver in the configuration tool. I'll provided a limited online support for RUNOUT. Please before check that your system fits the minimum requirements listed above. Send an e-mail to eicart@momorprods.com, with the RUNOUT.log file attached. Don't forget to tell me as many details as you can (complete error message if any or even a screenshot of the error), and also the system on which you try to run the game. 5) Credits ---------- Code, graphics: Emmanuel ICART Sound Effects: Emmanuel ICART Laly RockFistus Musics: outrun.org RockFistus This game was coded using Borland Delphi. Many thanks to RockFistus for his Splash Wave remix. Greetings to all the RR fans ! 6) Website ---------- Retro Remakes website: http://www.remakes.org Momor Prods website: http://www.momorprods.com 7) License Information ---------------------- End-User License Agreement for RUNOUT You agree that FROOGZ is provided "AS IS," and acknowledge that MOMOR PRODUCTIONS MAKES NO EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY WARRANTY OF PERFORMANCE, QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS OF PURPOSE. You agree that Momor Productions SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF, ATTEMPT TO USE, OR INABILITY TO USE RUNOUT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF RUNOUT REMAINS WITH YOU. This software product and the manual are FREEWARE. You are encouraged to distribute this software, but you may not sell, rent, lease, sub license, or earn money from this software. You may not modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer or derive source code from all or any portion of the software or anything incorporated therein or permit or encourage any third party to do so. Notice: Momor Productions reserves the right to make modifications or improvements to the product described in the manual at any time and without notice. Momor Productions retains all right, title and interest in the Software including all intellectual property rights embodied therein and derivatives thereof. The Software, including, without limitation, all code, data structures, characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play, derivative works and all other elements of the Software may not be resold, rented, leased, used on pay-per-play, coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose. Any permissions granted herein are provided on a temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Momor Productions at any time. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Copyright 2003 Momor Productions. All Rights Reserved.